

E-safety is an integral part of a childs education. As a school, we have a duty to ensure children and parents are best equipped to understand exactly what e-safety is and how to live in a 'digital' world. Our aim is that Children are aware of how to conduct themselves online and exactly how to report an issue such as online bullying.

This page outlines resources for parents and pupils alike, what you should be looking out for as a parent, and how to deal with online issues such as online bullying.

Children and young people


  • tell anyone you meet online your address, your telephone number or your school's name
  • send anyone your picture if you wouldn't be happy for your family to see it
  • send anyone your credit card or bank account number 
  • arrange to meet anyone without checking with your parent or carer - make sure they go along with you to meet them
  • give your password to anyone - not even your best friend  
  • stay in a chat room if someone says or writes something that worries you or makes you feel uncomfortable


  • tell an adult you trust if you’re upset or worried about something that’s happened online
  • save any messages that have upset you and show them to the adult you tell

An example - below is an educational video for Children about the dangers of playing online. 




You can help your children stay safe online by: 

  • knowing what they are doing online
  • knowing who their online friends are
  • talking to them about the dangers of sharing personal information and photos with strangers
  • making sure they can talk to you when they feel uncomfortable about something they have seen online
  • teaching them about privacy settings on social media




CEOP (Report Online Abuse)



Leicestershire County Council E-Safety